Tote Bag Raffle

Tote Bag Raffle

Summer Beach Bag Raffle


Sponsored by Rachael Briggs

Rachael is currently seeking donations to create summer beach tote bags for an amazing raffle!  The bags will contain items such as sunblock, chap-sticks, hand lotions, outdoor activities for kids, gift cards, picnic items, etc. The bags will also include custom embroidered huge beach towels!

Once the bags are assembled, people can purchase raffle tickets at Elite Salon-Spa-Studio for $1 each.

A drawing will take place for the winners and every dollar raised will go to Jessica’s Journey!

Stay tuned for more details about the raffle and pictures of the finished tote bags!

If you have items you’d like to donate to the bags, drop them off at Elite Salon-Spa-Studio.