Radiation – (5/4/18)
Good morning! I’m stopping in real quick to give an update. I have to leave in 15 mins to go to radiation so this will be as informative and short as possible.
Okay, like I said I’m getting radiation on my pelvis every day except weekends today is number 6. There is a tumor there that’s causing me issues and they are trying to take care of that. With this said I was supposed to start a chemo pill but cannot because the side effects of both treatments combined would be too much. So I haven’t been on chemo for almost a month which is scary. Also during this process they discovered a new tumor causing me problems. It’s in my lower digestive system and also attached to my pelvic wall. Surgery isn’t an option so they are going to try to radiate that also so that will extend my radiation sessions.
First line chemo and a clicinal trial just isn’t taking care of my cancer. At this point the only goal is to stabilize the tumors so I can carry on as long as possible…I’m told I look good and I wish I felt good cause there is a relentless monster inside trying to take over. So lately I’ve been extremely tired and having severe back pain.
I for some reason just cant get good news but I’m staying positive and trying to continue life as normal as possible. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers and to everyone who has donated gift cards and food items…you have no idea how much we appreciate it!! I believe I will get more info on a plan by next week and I will pass along. May 6th it’s been 2 years….crazy how a single date can change everything…
Love always