And so it begins…

And so it begins…

Good evening šŸ™‚ Just wanted to drop a little note before bed. Iā€™ve never been good with putting thoughts into writing or putting things out in a public way so bare with me thru thisā€¦Ok, so first hereā€™s an update since my treatment. So my first chemo treatment was Wednesday and i made it through pretty good. The next day I felt decent, just tired so I did my usual girls to school, kindergarten program and went to work that evening for just a bit to see how I would do..Came home and thought okay this isnā€™t bad, Iā€™m just tired . Then Friday came and put one in the books! I felt absolutely awful..I had planned a few appointments at the salon that morning that I unfortunately had to cancel šŸ™ I had been looking forward to Friday because I got to get my take home chemo removed, my nephews 6th grade graduation, family cookout and now I was just wishing the day was over.. Saturday came along and was a tad better and today I felt human again! Today was such a beautiful day not just because of the weather but also because it gave me hope that not all days will be like Friday and Saturday. Also that there will be lots more days like those and I need to get out and enjoy the good ones and thatā€™s what I did!! I literally enjoyed every single part of today! So much so Iā€™m still awake and have a smile while typing this! My next chemo date is the 1st with of course a couple of appointments in between.. So until next timeā€¦..

So switching gears a little..I have to be honest..This all still doesnā€™t seem realā€¦I swear I ask Brad sometimes when I see something with my name on itā€¦ā€is this really happeningā€? He unfortunately has to tell me yes.I see something about me and it feels like someone elseā€¦Sometimes I canā€™t click on this page because I still canā€™t believe this is happeningā€¦It is happening and Iā€™m still standing because of all of you! I want to say, I canā€™t possibly put into words how thankful, grateful, appreciative and loved Brad, the girls and I feel!! From my family, friends, old classmates, co-workers and people I donā€™t personally know reaching out to us with help!! Everyone taking time out of their day for my family to raise money, send me a text, drive by food and supplies, drop what their doing to help us! Unbelievable!! THANK YOU all from the bottom of my heart for your support! I am faithful GOD will see me and my little family through this storm and we will be so much better because of it!! Good night everyone!! Have a wonderful week!

With Love Always xoxo

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